Driftless Prairie Visions Exhibit

DRIFTLESS PRAIRIE VISIONS is a multimedia exhibit that explores the phenology of plants through the prism of a lovingly reconstructed 10-acre prairie in Sauk County, Wisconsin, which grows on a bluff above the Wisconsin River.
Four artists joined Jill to analyze and interpret the data, which included detailed notes about the weekly bloom times, abundance, duration of plant species, and related data. The artists used this information to inspire their own unique works of art focused on different dimensions of time – years, seasons, months, and weeks.
Email us at prairieimaginarium@gmail.com to request additional information or a rendering of the exhibition.
[ fee-naa-luh-jee ]:
The timing of cyclical or seasonal biological events, such as migrations, egg laying, flowering, and hibernation.
(Adapted from: www.sciencedirect.com)