"Driftless Prairie Visions is a great fit for my interests — in data visualization, design, storytelling, and handbound books — and it's an honor to be included. I'm focused on synthesizing multiple sources of information including phenology data, the other artists’ work processes, and various prairie resources to tell the broader story of Driftless Prairies and the art and reconstruction activities they inspire. "
Joni Graves
Joni’s piece, The Prairie Muse: A Book of Questions, visually interprets the original phenology spreadsheet data in a large-format book, which she has designed and constructed. This interactive book will feature time-based data visualizations, document the other artists’ work, include phenology resources, and solicit comments from exhibit attendees. Throughout this project, participants have consulted with Joni as they have refined their creative work.
Joni has a varied background in graphic design, information management, planning, temporal data visualization, and the art of the handmade book. While working with Wisconsin's Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), she developed the Crash Calendar, which used the familiar calendar format so Traffic Safety Commissions could better understand their data and easily see patterns.
Most recently, she has returned to making handbound books and journals, designing custom calendar diaries, and taking orders for a variety of bespoke books. As one example, the Metcoff family had decades of phenological data, and Jill collaborated with Joni to create a phenology diary format. The resulting book will be used to collect data for many years to come. A similar version of this book will be available for sale.
Joni lives in Spring Green, WI with her husband Rick.
Exhibit photos at right by Rick Graves.